12 January, 2011

Financial-Military-Industrial-Religio Complex

Catherine Lim: God And The Big Bang

I see you’re particularly excited about something. What is it you want to ask of Me this time? Let me guess (though I don’t have to). You want me to turn the clock back and change the Copenhagen Summit from the dismal failure it was to the resounding success everyone was hoping for

No, God. I don’t want to talk about Copenhagen. I want to talk about Geneva.

Geneva? Now listen, if there’s going to be another world conference there about global warming or poverty or oil—

Hey, God, I didn’t think You needed to ever use the conditional ‘if’. After all, You are omni-everything!

Alright, what about Geneva

It’s this huge project there called the Large Hadron Collider.

What about it.

God, LHC is the biggest scientific experiment of all time! It’s huge. It cost billions of dollars. It operates at 456 degrees below zero Fahrenheit. It’s simply unbelievable! All the world’s greatest scientists are talking about it and watching it—

Alright, what exactly are you getting at.

It wants to find out what happened at the moment of the Big Bang.


Don’t you see, God, it wants to find out what happened at the dawn of creation, 13 billion years ago. It can do this by making streams of protons collide with each other at the near speed of light,and then seeing what particles come out.


God, these particles are the very first to mark the birth of the universe! The scientists want to set up a rival to the Biblical story of the creation of the world!

They will never do that.

They already have, God. By discovering DNA, they have cracked the code of the biological world of life, and through LHC, they will crack the code of the physical world of matter. God, don’t you see that step by step, they are unlocking the secrets of the universe, and encroaching on Your territory! Nothing will be a mystery anymore, God, and You know that Mystery is Your game.

They will never take away My Mystery. And you know why? Even if they manage to reveal the secrets of the Big Bang, they will never be able to answer this question: Who created the Big Bang? It always comes back to Me, you see. I am First Cause and Prime Mover. Nothing can change that.

Pardon me, God, but aren’t You in the least worried that Your function will soon be reduced to this one act of starting the Big Bang, when once You had dominion over every aspect of human life on earth? You might not have presided over the death of every sparrow in the air or the growth of every lily in the field, but everyone believed that diseases like leprosy were caused by Your displeasure, everyone feared Your angry thunderbolts. Even today many believe that natural disasters such as earthquakes are Your punishment for man’s sinfulness, despite what seismologists tell them about tectonic activities in the earth’s crust and so on—

That’s exactly what I’m telling you. Science, however sophisticated its methods, will never succeed in eradicating this belief in Me and My power. Even if they succeed with this LHC, even if they provide all the proof of a Big Bang in a self-originating, self-sustaining universe, they will never stop people from believing in Me, praying to Me, depending on Me. Because the human species, right from the beginning, was programmed to believe in Me. You may say that there is a God centre in each human brain. It’s necessary for human survival.

Maybe you are right, God. Even the scientists don’t seem able to leave You out of their research. They call the ultimate particle they’re looking for, the ‘God Particle’ instead of the ‘Higgs Boson’—I’m sure Professor Higgs must be pretty sore about that! Even Einstein must have believed in divine will and purpose, for he said, ‘God does not play dice with the world.’ Stephen Hawking says that ultimately all search into the universe’s secrets will lead to the ‘mind of God’.

I’m glad you’re seeing some light at last.

You know, God, the scientists could be pretending to use God language so as not to offend those who are in charge of making recommendations for the enormous funding for their research—

If you’re that skeptical—Anyway, what exactly did you want to see Me about, this time?

Well, never mind, God.

12 January 2011

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