13 May, 2014

The fall of Ukraine

No, Russia DID NOT attack Ukraine. [Link]

A lesson for Singapore's unfettered immigration policy. Ukraine fell from within. By her own "Peoples' power" some more... by the 60% of her so called "people" but whose hearts are not for Ukraine ! (The billion dollar question is - where lies the heart of the Singapore government of the day ?) ... To win a war without firing a single bullet, having Russian troops pulling back from the border... brilliant stroke to the Russians.

Go WEST or head EAST ? Pick one uncle Sam

Uncle Sam was designed to fight not 1 but 2 wars concurrently ! But now $money$ no enough.

Now is the best time for the Chinese Communist Party to launch ...

(3:54) Gordy's gone man ... good luck.

The coming tectonic shift in world order? NATO and democratic/free Asia must pick up the slack. Yes, that means us ! Or you have no choice but find yourself having to deal with the devil one day.

The choice is ours to make.

13 May 2014
PS: MAD doctrine suddenly don't seem so mad now after all, especially for small countries in a world post uncle Sam... heck it !