06 March, 2009

Maybe there is no right or wrong, only poor or very poor

"There are no menial jobs, only menial attitudes."
- William John Bennett (b. 1943), US Secretary of Education (1985 - 1988), Republican.

Modern Day Slavery

Slavery is not just the shameful stuff of history books - not in Florida


" Sweatshops are not simply a necessary evil of economic growth. They do not necessarily keep costs low for consumers and provide jobs where there would otherwise be none. Sweatshops exist because of corporate greed, international trade policies (that push indebted nations to exploit their own people), and the market's demand for quick production, low costs, and high profits. Workers should not have to endure unsafe and unfair working conditions so that corporations and corrupt government officials can get rich. "

Read Henry Blodget's Chinese Sweatshops, Manhattan-Style. Why your clothes are made in China at http://www.slate.com/id/2113689/. A well balance, microcosmic take on the global sweatshop phenomenon.

06 March 2009

1 comment:

  1. Hey, really like what you've done with this website so far. Not the same old crap you see everywhere. Unique thoughts and ideas expressed, I like that. Very interesting!
