Hegamony - begins ...
'We do not wish to increase tensions with anyone, but we must let the world know we are ready to protect what is ours,' ... 'There was a time when we couldn't respond appropriately to threats in our own backyard. Now our message to the world is clear: What is ours is ours. Setting foot on Recto Bank is no different from setting foot on Recto Avenue.' -
President Benigno Aquino [Link]
In his speech to the nation, Benigno Aquino III announced that he will increase the purchase of more weapons, including a patrol boat to defend the Spratley Islands. The Philippines will defend by force, in this case against China, and from his tones, will attack Chinese ships entering the area. China has to be careful of this rising military power and avoid sending its naval crafts as they will be attacked and probably sunk by the mighty Filipino Navy.
Aquino can talk loudly, while standing on the head of the Americans, waving the military treaty they have signed in the 1950s. While the Filipino patrol boats may be good only against fishing vessels, there lies, lurking in the dark and under the South China Sea, a mighty American fleet and submarines that are waiting for the Chinese ships. One can expect the Filipinos to fire at the Chinese fire to draw fire from the latter and the US jumping in to declare that China is bullying its smaller neighbours. And the White Knight will have all the reasons to flex its muscles and entrench their presence in the region.
The Americans may think that the Chinese will back .
Comment from a reader to the above blogger:
"...Call a spade a spade. China has come of age - this is nothing more than 争 霸 (domination by force) as mentioned by LKY. Don't talk about maps or history, if so even Singapore (Temasek) was reflected on admiral Cheng Ho's map! If this is the road China chose to take, there will be war. i fear for the chinese people who have make a home in nanyang, for we have lived peacefully with the "bumis" and now if china behaves like this and certain section of the chinese population turn their allegiance towards China at a time of highten conflict, this will bring grave consequence to the largely peaceful and loyal chinese descendants whom have called nanyang home and nationhood had been forged (Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Philippines, etc)...." - Anon.
i do not know what the majority of Chinese in Singapore, Malaysia, Philippines, Indonesia, etc. think. If i imagine the worst, then we have failed in our nation building. If you declare yourself not yet a nation... then it leaves room to "capitulate", some space to manoeuvre, and wriggle yourself out of this. Will ASEAN disintegrate? The "5 Power Defence Arrangement" cannot exist by then.
Or give in to China. Let her have her way and do whatever she fancy in this century. The chinese in south east asia can "plead" on behalf of the locals. China, on sentiments, as a 'big country', will not attack and annihilate the 'small countries' of the south east asian archipelagos.
America? She cannot even save herself. By then the US of A will have been torn apart and the American people betrayed by their very own elites...which they (the elites) will align with China's elite, because that is where the money is.
New World Order |
What are we? To have a soul or just to survive ?
26 July 2011
Update 06 August 2011: We have to be decerning least we unintentionally harm the majority of Chinese people (in China) who desire peace.
Comment from a reader of the above blog post.
its not entirely true Mr Red bean. Moving into the 21th century, the lines between nation states are not quite as stark as compared to the cold war era. To keep a complex story short, it is about a faction of the USA against another faction of the Chinese communist, with lots of sub-plot and self-interest thrown in, messy stuff. These factions may not speak for the whole country, therefore citizens of either one. Governments of the 21th century see a weakening of their power vis a vis the super wealthy elites, aka The real players behind the scene. They move governments! Scary. My take is that China do not need to fight America...all they need to do is just cultivate the super rich Americans and they will eventually betray their own country and countrymen so as to preserved their wealth due to greed and align themselves with the right wing super rich of the chinese elite, and this in turn works for the interest of the chinese communist party. America will implode by itself. Sad. You know, we can say all the "bad things" about the western imperialist but the west was "naive" enough to believe in highfalutin ideals like democracy, one-man-one-vote, human rights, the rule of law, blah blah blah. Also, the fact that the western general public can move their government in a legit kind of way without having run over by T-72s speaks volume of the power balance equation, still giving a ray of hope in a rather pessimistic take of the 21th century. Singapore - for a tiny red dot, we are at ground zero.
There are many good people in China today, Chinese people with a conscience ...
06 August 2011