17 September, 2013

Hobby : Aster 30 is evolving ...

SAF buying Aster 30 SAM [Link]

Singapore's official revealed take on the Aster 30 system acquisition [Link]

Ground Base Aster 30 in action !

It is intended to be an anti-airborne (aircraft/drone/missile) combat system, a part of the integrated air defence shield.

The official maximum engagement distance reported is 70 km.

Note that the MBDA consortium has plans to develop further the Aster family of air defence system [Link]

Aster 30 is evolving ...
The planned final evolution is the Block 2 - a Ballistic Missile Defence system ... we shall see.

It is good to get on the learning curve now, acquiring the hardware and developing operational doctrines, evolving together as new features added to the base line system ... culminating in an air defence shield with foot print over arching the near seas ( by integrating with RSN anti-air warfare assets) and even perhaps Iskandar ! Under the auspices of the Five Power Defence Arrangement of course. Crazy!? (They are more than capable and have pride in defending themselves lah, and Sinkie tax payers to contend with) With substantial economic investments vested in the southern state of Johor, Malaysia...

Integrating with the RSN Aster systems,
evolving a BMD shield.
Total Air Defence shield.

Whither Ballistic Missiles and Ballistic Missile Defence

Paper Published August 2012 [Link]
" ...Governments are concerned about the dangers posed by ballistic missiles. However, there is almost no theoretical or empirical scholarship on ballistic missiles. This article presents and tests the conventional wisdom that the spread of ballistic missiles makes conflict more likely. Original data on ballistic missiles and on crisis initiation is collected, and analysis using a variety of statistical models is conducted. It is found that among all directed dyads from 1946 to 2007, potential challengers possessing ballistic missiles are significantly more likely to initiate international crises. Further, potential targets armed with ballistic missiles are significantly less likely to be challenged. Crises are less likely to escalate when targets are armed with missiles. The results are obtained after accounting for several control variables. Analysis reveals that the findings are not affected by possible endogeneity bias. The analysis also reveals complex interactive effects between ballistic missiles and nuclear weapons on the onset of international crises..."

Paper Published 1993 - BMD system can be easily fooled (by Dr Reuven Pedatzur) [Link]

But by year 2003 - These technical challenges have been overcome (Dr Uzi Rubin) [Link]

LPPL moment ;-) - Ballistic Missiles Make War More and Less Likely [Link]

Wu Ngia Bo Ngia ? (in hokkian)

Can Buy Not ? [Link]

17 September 2013

16 September, 2013

Hobby : Air - Sea Integration 2040 (Air Assets)

Air Force 2040
Little Navy : Sea - Air Integration

Air - Sea Integration 2040 (Air Fighting Assets)

F 35B Stealth Strike Fighter - Main Stay Fighters
F 22 Stealth Strike Fighter - Air Superiority
F 15SG Strike Fighter - Old Dependable
RAH 66 Stealth Attack Helicopter - Silent Hunter 
UCASupport - Close Air Support
UCAStrike - Autonomous Air Strike
Poseidon P8 ASW/ASuW - 海底捞月 ;-) 一目了然
Anti - Submarine Warfare
Anti - Surface Warfare
Singaporean Core [Link]

16 September 2013

03 September, 2013

Syria - Don't Interfere but need LIMITED respond

Senang Diri [Link]

Go to Senang Diri blog to read his write up [Link]

Should not interfere but help in humanitarian relief efforts

Let's not talk about who is backing who, US interest, Russian interest, Arab interest, etc. If you go there, nothing will be done. Look at it solely on the act of Chem weapon used (if it's true) and respond measuredly.

The Free Syria Army (FSA) is not even an amalgamation of "freedom fighters" but really a hotchpot which is kind of sad lah. Don't get involve, but just need to send the message that chem weapon use (and especially on civilians) is a no no. Complicating nonsense.

The children were asleep during the gas attack ? [Link]
So many children, heart breaking ...
Regardless whether you are Muslim, Jews, Buddhist, Taoist,
Hindu or Christians, etc. , just can't help feeling anguish to see children suffer.
Or just walk away, to avoid more suffering ... 

The Realpolitik of the American People [Link]

Zachary Keck : " ... The duty of American elites then is not to wrap realist policies in liberal narratives, but to convince the American people that supporting a liberal foreign policy is in their national interest.  ..."

Ideally, the immediate task of the U.N. security council is to cease all fighting, especially for the children's sake. Pipe dream looking at the power play between great powers in the council, sigh. With great powers come great responsibilities?
03 September 2013
update: 14 September 2013